Yocan: Evolve Plus Azure Green Vaporizer

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The Yocan Evolve Plus azure green vaporizer offers the same pure vaping experience, portability and style as the original, but with a bigger battery and chamber, and a number of other improvements. Crafted expertly for form and function, there are no problems with short circuiting and the larger capacity battery means even longer time between charges than the original. The Yocan Evolve Plus features dual coils made from quartz, as opposed to traditional fiber wicks, offering the cleanest and smoothest vaping experience. The bottom of the device features a built in silicone jar to store your materials, meaning you'll always be ready to go at a moment's notice. The device heats up instantly and the bigger chamber and 1100mAh battery offer 15 seconds of continuous heat and huge vapor.

Yocan Evolve Plus Azure Green Vaporizer Features:

Built-In Concentrate Jar
Dual Quartz Wax Atomizer
Larger Chamber
Micro-USB Charging
Upgraded Battery
Sleek and Discreet

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