Groove Ripster‚ÄØ Electric Grinder
The Groove Ripster Electric Grinder is powerful, quick, and simple. Grinding a large amount of herb at once, you are going to love it. Simply press and hold the single button until the desired consistency is reached. Made from high quality stainless steel with a transparent viewing window and a removable power cord, the Groove Ripster is efficient and reliable. Rip into convenience at a value price.‚ÄØ
Key Features 
- Large Capacity - Holds 10X More Than Standard Grinder
- High Speed Efficiency With Powerful 30,000RPM Motor
- Grind Control: 3 to 5 Seconds For Coarse / 8 to 15 Seconds For Fine
- Multi-Use: Suitable For Dry Herbs, Spices, Coffee Beans
- One Button Start Function:
- High-Quality Stainless Steel
- Removable Power Cord
- Transparent Viewing Window
What’s in the Box 
- 1X Groove Ripster Electric Grinder
- 1x Power Cord